Monday, March 3, 2008

Wed night once again

Good start- lets get down to particulars. Theme? I'm inclined toward National Cheese Doodle Day. To celebrate, something with Cheese? I never seen food that could not be made better with cheese. How something cheese? The Power of Cheese? We love Wisconsin?
Looking forward to seeing you all, friends!phil


Will Highsmith said...

I like cheese....

Megan said...

I'll bring ricotta cake for dessert.

Unknown said...

I will bring a mixed green salad topped with different cheeses.

Megan said...

Will and Christy are bring cheesy garlic biscuits.

Karen said...

I'll bring spaghetti casserole.

Ramonna and Peter said...

I'll be playing in an intramural championship game at 7..woot woot! I will try to stop by if I get done early enough. Enjoy the cheesy food. :)

Megan said...

Ramonna - maybe you should bring complimentary Zocor or Lipitor for us... Good luck on your game!