Friday, May 2, 2008

Food on 5/7 - BBQ & Burgers, etc.

In honor of May being National BBQ AND National Hamburger Month, we'll be having BBQ and burgers next week. Not only do we need meat, but we also need: buns, side dishes, fixins' and condiments for the burgers, drinks, desserts, and anything else you want to bring. So, will you be there? What will you bring?



philpartin said...

Phil and Martha will make their world famous B-b-q, (or state famous, or would you believe the house favorite?)

Unknown said...

Hi! I'd like to bring dessert. I'm open to suggestions, but right now I was thinking cake!!!

Will Highsmith said...

Will and I will bring ears of corn to grill. Christy

Karen said...

I'll bring potatoes on the grill.

Patrick said...

We're going to try to make it tonight! But Peyton can cancel our plan without notice.

We plan to bring portabello mushrooms to grill. yummy!

-Patrick, Jessica, and Peyton

Dr. Bill said...

I think that Liz and I are bringing a vegetable (broccoli, etc)...

Peter Cvelich said...

I'll bring fruit salad