Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Just in time for our potluck dinner...

In case you thought that Christianity has the market cornered for God/saints showing up in various food items, it turns out the Islam has quite an industry here as well. Most recent example: "Allah Meat" in Nigeria.

Diners have been flocking to a restaurant in northern Nigeria to see pieces of meat which the owner says are inscribed with the name of Allah.

What looks like the Arabic word for God and the name of the prophet Muhammad were discovered in pieces of beef by a diner in Birnin Kebbi.

He was about to eat it, when he suddenly noticed the words in the gristle, the restaurant owner said.

A search of the kitchen's meat revealed three more pieces which bore the names.
Not that this is isolated, evidently. There are also tropical fish and tomatoes.

Apparently Allah is more into penmanship than Jesus or the Virgin Mary.

Not to be outdone, a woman found Jesus in a Cheetos bag: "Cheesus".

Finally, in other saints-in-food news, Mother Teresa made her most recent appearance in a cinnamon bun in a coffee shop in Nashville, Tenn. No, really.

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