Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Party

Hello all. Our Christmas party is upon us. I think of all the times we meet during the year and this is one our most enjoyable times. White Elephant gift exchange, good food, lots of laughs. Megan will coordinate the menu: I'll start it off:
Little smokies in wrap
Razzleberry Pie with ice cream.


Megan said...

I'll bring crostini with sun-dried tomato jam.

Ramonna and Peter said...

We'll be bringing Bagel bites.

philpartin said...

We got some Italian meatballs today, will prepare them as well.
Martha will also fix punch.

Ramonna and Peter said...

I will also bring some candy-coated pretzels.

Liz Shively said...

Bill and I will bring cheese and crackers.

Karen said...

I'll bring hot spinach and artichoke dip with chips.

Dr. Bill said...

What time is the party?

Unknown said...

I was hoping to make it to the Christmas party but I have to go back to lab around 7:45 tonight when one of my programs finishes running.

I've missed seeing everybody on Wednesday nights and hopefully next semester will afford me some more free time.

I hope everybody has a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
