Thursday, March 5, 2009

next week

Sorry for all you that missed a great supper and good conversation-

This coming week- Matt 2- 4. Keep your focus on the context of a Jew writing to a Jew. Get into the narrative as a 1st Century Jew. Think about what you might expect from a traveling Rabi.

Also, I'm taking request but making no promises.
Prayer requests:
Will- feeling better- getting results from medicine- heal his condition.
Karen- her Dad is in middle of the treatments for his tumor, keep praying for good results.
Ramona putting in her final requests for assignment for internship, Charleston, Asheville, Durham?
Phil and Martha- kids and jobs!

BTW- way to go Will our computer guru- I'm typing away at BK on their wireless on my Dell- and Will- no dial up boxes either- Hurray!

Love you all.

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