Friday, August 28, 2009

Francis Collins, Renaissance Man

Not only was Francis Collins the director for the Human Genome Project, made many landmark discoveries of disease genetics, author of The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, and now has been nominated by Pres. Obama (and now confirmed) to be the new director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)... but apparently he also can rock.

At the University of Miami School of Medicine graduation, the speaker there was Francis Collins, who is the Director of the National Genome Human Research Institute at the National Institute Health. All of us graduating students thought he would just be another boring talking head. Man, were we ever pleasantly surprised. Not only was the talk interesting, but the crowning point was when he took out a guitar and played a hilarious version of "My Way" entitled "Their Way". Sorry for the shoddy audio and shaky hands, it was the best I could do. Anyone who graduated from anything can really relate to this video.

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