Sunday, February 3, 2008

Food on Wednesday!

Our fearless leader has declared this month's theme to be Fat Tuesday on Wednesday. That's right, we're flip-flopping the traditional church calendar and celebrating Mardi Gras on Ash Wednesday. Possible food: anything Cajun or any culinary indulgences you might be giving up as we head into the Lenten season. Jessica and Patrick might have helpful hints for anyone looking for low-maintenance Cajun dishes. Sooo, this month, we're going to try managing the food night from the blog. Instead of receiving countless emails, simply leave a comment for this post, indicating 1) Will you be there? and 2) What shall you bring? See you all on Wednesday night!

- Megan


Christy Pruitt said...

Will and I will be there. We will bring some type of dessert probably pralines if they turn out well.

Ramonna and Peter said...

I'm going to have to miss out on dinner this month...I'll be at the UNC v. Duke game on Wednesday night!!! :) See you all soon.

Megan said...

I'll be there and bring cornbread.

Dr. Bill said...

Liz and I will be there... not sure yet what we'll bring.