Sunday, February 10, 2008

For you Monty Python fans out there

Those of you familiar with The Life of Brian will probably also be familiar with the firestorm of controversy that it set off, especially the end. In the latest edition of The Onion's AV Club (not the satirical part), John Cleese sat down for a candid interview.
Among many other things, towards the end of the interview he addresses what the Pythons were really trying to say with regards to Christianity in the movie:

AVC: Speaking of wickedness, when you were shooting Life Of Brian, were you concerned with the fate of your immortal soul?

John Cleese: No. No, because it's not in any way against Christ or Christ's teachings. It's all about criticizing people who make something of Christ's teachings, which I think he himself would not recognize. There's a lovely line that an idea is not responsible for the people who hold it. A lot of people in America who describe themselves without any hesitation at all as Christians are, in my opinion, completely missing the point of most of his teachings.

See the rest (2nd page of interview) here. I'm neither condoning or objecting to his views, it's just interesting.

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