Monday, April 28, 2008

This week

Hebrews 13 this week- we'll figure out how to recap the book. 

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Disciplines of the Spiritual Life

Debate on the Problem of Pain - Bart Ehrman vs. N. T. Wright

Here is the debate Liz referred to last night, between Bart Ehrman and N. T. Wright on the Problem of Pain. Great stuff.

For those of you not familiar with either of these people:
  • Wright is the bishop of Durham (England... not North Carolina) and one of the leading Christian thinkers in the world today. I recommend looking into his writings and interviews.
  • Ehrman (a.k.a. the "faith-buster") is a controversial agnostic professor of religion at UNC (hey, hey) who has recently written a new book criticizing Christianity for not answering the question "why people suffer".

Liz pointed out that this debate reveals a lot about the character of either man. Ehrman has an agenda... and doesn't seem to be self-aware or honest about this fact.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Now that's just plain bizarre. Apparently, alcohol and Jedi religion don't mix.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Light vs. Dark

While we often hear of various matters of strife or even schism within the Christian church, other world religions have their own confrontations as well...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Wed night and it must be Hebrews 12. Martha and I are delighted to be back with you this week.
Therefore: always referring to what has just been said.
The testimony of the saints through the ages- their faith in what was not yet, and we provided with something BETTER- what is the logical response?

To the question posed below: what consequences remain for those who stop seeking, pursuing? Not in what God will do to them, but what we do to ourselves as we return to the life of self absorption and self-centeredness?

In regard to cultural contexts: is it the death penalty for picking up sticks or rejection of the rule of law (antinomionism) and the just and righteous ruler?

See you!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Some hard questions

Some questions from Liz (aka Snakewoman) and myself...

1. Hebrews 10:26, and throughout Hebrews 12. We can agree that this is not saying that there is no forgiveness for deliberately behaving immorally, but is instead referring to apostasy. However, there remains a troubling issue. We discussed a few weeks ago that God is faithful even if we are not faithful. But where are the limits?
We all doubt to some degree or another. If one's doubts frustrate them to the point that they cease pursuing God -- honestly thinking that they are in the right -- at which point are they in peril?
Throughout Hebrews 12 in particular there is an underlying threat "God is graceful and loving and wonderful... so you better accept this wonderful loving grace lest you slip down a slippery slope into utter destruction."

2. Fun, happy passages like Numbers 15:32-35 and Acts 5:1-11. How are we to make sense of these? I mean, really: stone him to death for gathering wood?? In any context, how can we accept this as God's decree?

Post away!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hey, hey, hey!
Same time, same station- Peter and Ramonna lead the gang in Hebrews 11. Go team!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Peyton Christoper Harrell has arrived!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Peyton Christopher Harrell arrived at 6:42PM on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 weighing in at 9lbs, 13oz and 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well, but exhausted!

Here are some pictures of Peyton's first few days. Enjoy!
