Thursday, April 24, 2008

Debate on the Problem of Pain - Bart Ehrman vs. N. T. Wright

Here is the debate Liz referred to last night, between Bart Ehrman and N. T. Wright on the Problem of Pain. Great stuff.

For those of you not familiar with either of these people:
  • Wright is the bishop of Durham (England... not North Carolina) and one of the leading Christian thinkers in the world today. I recommend looking into his writings and interviews.
  • Ehrman (a.k.a. the "faith-buster") is a controversial agnostic professor of religion at UNC (hey, hey) who has recently written a new book criticizing Christianity for not answering the question "why people suffer".

Liz pointed out that this debate reveals a lot about the character of either man. Ehrman has an agenda... and doesn't seem to be self-aware or honest about this fact.

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