Sunday, April 20, 2008

Some hard questions

Some questions from Liz (aka Snakewoman) and myself...

1. Hebrews 10:26, and throughout Hebrews 12. We can agree that this is not saying that there is no forgiveness for deliberately behaving immorally, but is instead referring to apostasy. However, there remains a troubling issue. We discussed a few weeks ago that God is faithful even if we are not faithful. But where are the limits?
We all doubt to some degree or another. If one's doubts frustrate them to the point that they cease pursuing God -- honestly thinking that they are in the right -- at which point are they in peril?
Throughout Hebrews 12 in particular there is an underlying threat "God is graceful and loving and wonderful... so you better accept this wonderful loving grace lest you slip down a slippery slope into utter destruction."

2. Fun, happy passages like Numbers 15:32-35 and Acts 5:1-11. How are we to make sense of these? I mean, really: stone him to death for gathering wood?? In any context, how can we accept this as God's decree?

Post away!

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