Monday, September 29, 2008

wed night

Dinner together- with little planning, how about returning to "whatever"? Do we have a theme? What about "food I really like"? phil

Sunday, September 14, 2008

About that "Golden Rule" thing...

Truly disturbing. From The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life:
Poll shows support for torture among Southern evangelicals

by Adelle M. Banks
Religion News Service

WASHINGTON -- A new poll released Thursday (Sept. 11) finds that nearly six in 10 white Southern evangelicals believe torture is justified, but their views can shift when they consider the Christian principle of the golden rule.

The poll, commissioned by Faith in Public Life and Mercer University, found that 57 percent of respondents said torture can be often or sometimes justified to gain important information from suspected terrorists. Thirty-eight percent said it was never or rarely justified.

But when asked if they agree that "the U.S. government should not use methods against our enemies that we would not want used on American soldiers," the percentage who said torture was rarely or never justified rose to 52 percent.
David Gushee, a Christian ethics professor at Mercer and the president of the evangelical group, said the poll numbers should tell leaders, including presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain, who oppose torture that people can change their minds about this issue if it is discussed from a moral standpoint.

Interesting how things change when the tables are turned...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

To Phil: answer to Facebook question

At long last, I remember to answer your question, which I had completely forgotten.
"Ryan McMinn had a random thought: If matter changes its properties via chemical reactions, does energy change its properties via reactions?"
Not exactly. There is an apples-&-oranges issue here. Matter, in the sense of E=mc^2, means "mass", and mass itself does not change properties per se -- in chemistry, it itself is a property of all atomic or subatomic material, not explained by chemistry. In chemical reactions, mass itself does not change: you can either lose/gain mass from one system to the next, or mass can be converted to/from pure energy.
But this question isn't entirely off-the-mark. Energy can be converted to and from different forms, one of which is mass. Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy, which could also be converted into mass; which could be converted into, say, "chemical" energy (e.g. the energy of atoms and molecules to combine together); which could also be lost in the form of friction. You haven't created or destroyed energy, you've just changed the form each time. That isn't the same thing as saying that you've changed the properties of energy, per se, you've just changed the properties through which energy is realized.
Which of course begs the question of what mass really is, and why is can be viewed as a form of energy... Heh-heh. I'll leave you at that for now.
Despite the interest that comes from funky, punky, junky unmarried priests in the Anglican communion and rapping from Deep Space 9, we have a task before us: what shall we share next?

Tell me, what can it be
That opens the door of majesty?

Incline your heat and your mind
The truth and grace of God to find.

And so we journey the path along
Hearing His Word create a song

That sings the story of our walk
As we gather to share the Talk.

What guidepost will it be?
Wedesday night we shall see!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Lager-loving punk who dresses as a dominatrix is appointed village curate"

No, this isn't from or The Wittenburg Door (satirical sites). I suppose that this is part of the Anglican Church's effort to become more "in touch" with younger Brits... Adrian Plass would be proud (I think).

Some days she strides up to church wearing hot pants and biker boots. Or she might opt for dominatrix-style red leather high heels to go with her six piercings including a nose stud.

Not the apparel you would normally expect from a Church of England curate.

But punk rocker Skye Denno insists it is her way of serving God.


'The Church can be quite cliquey and it's important for me to keep it real and not be another stuffy, middle-class vicar.'

Miss Denno moved to the town with her partner Joel and their two young children last month to take up her new role.

She had previously wanted to be a missionary and went to the Redcliffe Christian College for Bible and Mission Training in Gloucester.

But she realised her natural calling was to become a vicar.


When not helping out at the small church, she prefers to spend her time in the pub or watching bands.

She added: 'I like a good gig and I love dancing. I like The Cure, Sex Pistols, Clash, Sisters of Mercy and Last Dance. Luckily I have never been into drugs.

'I would sometimes end up praying in a club. People would hear I was a Christian and come and talk to me and I would say a prayer for them if they wanted me to.'

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Large Hadron Rap

I thought of Bill immediately when a friend forwarded me this YouTube video:

Bill, next time we get into a physics discussion, I would be much appreciative if you could present your thoughts in the form of a rap. That would help me to make sense of things!

Hope to see you all soon.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yes, the peppers, onions, sausage, marinara and penne is coming. Also, we have cake from Labor Day.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Greetings

Greetings on Labor Day.
A favorite passage of mine comes from Matt. 9:36-38 (in the Living Bible):

 And what pity he felt for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they didn't know what to do or where to go for help. They were like sheep without a shepherd.
 "The harvest is so great, and the workers are so few," he told his disciples.  "So pray to the one in charge of the harvesting, and ask him to recruit more workers for his harvest fields."
This is the human condition and Jesus recognized it. Do we recognize it?  The ultimate solution? Jesus did not play around, not did he recommend political or sociological solutions. No, he went to the heart of the matter: the solution is with a certain kind of human being- a laborer, a person who is willing to give his or her life for the advance of the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom. This laborer realizes that the only real solution for basic human problems is the intervention in a life by another life. It looks very different in all kinds of situations but the principle remains the same: life upon life is the means by which a laborer exchanges and multiplies his or her life in Christ.
The pictures below are from my latest trip out to the West Coast.  Several of us from the our Military Leadership Team helped lead a training and development meeting for our staff in Southern California (serving five major military installations there).  I have been involved in this type of training event with others for about 4-5 years now. We have been working on helping our staff become even more effective in coaching,advising, shepherding and training the military laborers around them. These laborers are the backbone of our work among the US military. We hear reports every week of men and women coming to the Savior as a result of the ministry of these highly committed laborers on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan and many other places. I wish you could hear some of these stories- they are spine tingling.
On another laboring not, and as many of you know, we moved my mother into our home the end of May. We rejoice at the opportunity of serving her in her need and yet cry out to the Lord for strength and endurance. She continues to decline mentally but remains relatively physically healthy. Her memory both long and short is gone. She knows me but little else.  Yet, she remains relatively stable in her moment by moment life.
While getting her settled this summer, I reduced my travel schedule significantly. However, this looks like a very challenging year, and particularly in the next 6 months, in terms of where the Lord is leading our mission and some of the things he is asking of us. What is very clear is that the next 9-12 months will require a great deal of travel and so a good bit of challenge for Martha and I as we continue to care for Mother 24/7.  Without going into too much detail, I would deeply appreciate your prayers as we anticipate a time of stretching and stress.
Locally, we have seen God produce some terrific ministry opportunities:
+ Our continued joy with our 20 something small group that meets in our home on Wednesday evening- great progress on understanding the Word of God in shaping our spiritual lives.
+ A Tuesday night study of the Bible with a men's group that has been deep and rich to my soul.
+ A Sunday morning small group that is inter-generational and multi-cultural which has been a source of great encouragement for seeing the steady and faithful hand of Lord at work.
+ Several life on life relationships which are producing great growth in my life and the lives of others. One of these relationships includes a young couple who is moving toward joining our Military staff family.
+ A new couples study Martha and I have begun with another couple that is oriented toward helping one another with depth and intimacy in our walk with Christ and with one another.
I have several key prayer request for you:
* Please pray for our wisdom from the Lord to balance our responsibilities in care for my Mother and the work that God has given us.
* Ongoing strength for Martha and I as we "feel" our years in light of what is on our plates.
* Understanding and help as we face the need to increase the number of donors who support our ministry.
* Protection from the wiles of the evil one as we resist the flesh, the world, and the Devil.
* Wisdom from above as we discern the whole counsel of God in many matters pertaining to the future of our Mission.
A thought that has struck me recently comes from one of my life mentors, Dallas Willard: "Faith does not oppose knowledge, it opposes seeing. Grace does not oppose effort, but it opposes earning".  As always, I am tremdously motivated to be involved in laboring for the glory of our King! One of my life verses is a extortion from Paul on the subject of laboring for a lifetime:1 Cor 15:58 -Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
We abound by His strength and His might alone but we are greatly thankful for the empowerment you provide as well. Thanks so much for your prayer and support.
By His grace alone,

phil and martha