Sunday, September 14, 2008

About that "Golden Rule" thing...

Truly disturbing. From The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life:
Poll shows support for torture among Southern evangelicals

by Adelle M. Banks
Religion News Service

WASHINGTON -- A new poll released Thursday (Sept. 11) finds that nearly six in 10 white Southern evangelicals believe torture is justified, but their views can shift when they consider the Christian principle of the golden rule.

The poll, commissioned by Faith in Public Life and Mercer University, found that 57 percent of respondents said torture can be often or sometimes justified to gain important information from suspected terrorists. Thirty-eight percent said it was never or rarely justified.

But when asked if they agree that "the U.S. government should not use methods against our enemies that we would not want used on American soldiers," the percentage who said torture was rarely or never justified rose to 52 percent.
David Gushee, a Christian ethics professor at Mercer and the president of the evangelical group, said the poll numbers should tell leaders, including presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain, who oppose torture that people can change their minds about this issue if it is discussed from a moral standpoint.

Interesting how things change when the tables are turned...


philpartin said...

But you see, Bill, what those southern evangelicals understood torture to be was sitting still on Sunday morning listening to a message about what they ought to be doing. And then having to PAY for it when a basket came by.

Dr. Bill said...