Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Large Hadron Rap

I thought of Bill immediately when a friend forwarded me this YouTube video:

Bill, next time we get into a physics discussion, I would be much appreciative if you could present your thoughts in the form of a rap. That would help me to make sense of things!

Hope to see you all soon.



Dr. Bill said...

Because nothing says "gangsta" quite like high energy particle physics.
(Painful... just painful. But they got the science right, if that makes any difference.)

philpartin said...

But if Higgs ain't legit, what is the the 411? Maybe not what, but WHO?

Dr. Bill said...

For the record, whether or not the Higgs exists says nothing about God... this wasn't an attempt to explain God or anything.

philpartin said...

Of course not, but the Prime Mover, the one before the beginning, the intelligent designer, is always the subtext in discussions of this nature.